e06: Creativity, Playfulness, & Improv Theate

Nov. 16th, 2022

18:00-19:00 CET (Europe) • 1:00-2:00 EST (North America, Eastern)

We’ll be discussing Playing at work: Professionals' conceptions of the functions of play on organizational creativity” by West and colleagues (2013). In this controlled intervention study, improvisational theatre training is used to increase playfulness in the workplace. The results present positive outcomes to support the effect of playfulness on organizational creativity.

This meeting has passed, but we would love for you to join us next time!

📄 West, Hoff, & Carlsson, 2013:

Playing at work: professionals' conceptions of the functions of play on organizational creativity. The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving23(2), 5-24.

DOI: 10.1080/21594937.2017.1383000

  • This study investigates the impact of an intervention of playful improvisational theater on organizational creativity. Teams from nine participating organizations (N = 93) completed pre- and post-test measures of adult playfulness, workplace playfulness, individual creativity, group creativity, and psychological safety. Group creativity was assessed with the newly developed test Distributed Creativity in Organizational Groups. The intervention group (n = 50) participated in improvisation training, whereas the control group (n  = 43) did not. After the intervention, the intervention group reported higher scores of workplace playfulness, individual creativity, and group creativity compared to the control group. Individual creativity was positively correlated with adult playfulness. No differences were found for psychological safety. The findings suggest that organizational playfulness can be increased with brief interventions and that play is a promising enhancer of organizational creativity.


e07: Openness vs Intellect Paradox


e05: Inspiration & Creativity