e15: Audiovisual Immersive Experiences
November 29th, 2023
18:30-19:30 GMT (Europe) • 1:30-2:30 EST (North America, Eastern)
Have you ever experienced being so transported in a narrative that you forget what is happening around you? Immersion is a phenomenon where one becomes deeply involved in a process to the extent of dissociating from the physical world.
This month, our aim is to delve into understanding immersive experiences and examining their relationship with other analogous psychological experiences. A comprehensive literature review, Defining Immersion by Agrawal et al. (2019) will serve as a guide for our thoughtful discussion.
Join us as we embark on this intellectually stimulating journey!
This meeting has passed, but we would love for you to join us next time!
📄 Agrawal et al., (2019):
Defining Immersion: Literature Review and Implications for Research on Immersive Audiovisual Experiences. Audio Engineering Society 147, New York City, NY, United States.
The use of the term “immersion” to describe a multitude of varying experiences in the absence of a definitional consensus has obfuscated and diluted the term. This paper presents a non-exhaustive review of previous work on immersion on the basis of which a definition of immersion is proposed: a state of deep mental involvement in which the subject may experience disassociation from the awareness of the physical world due to a shift in their attentional state. This definition is used to contrast and differentiate interchangeably used terms such as presence and envelopment from immersion. Additionally, an overview of prevailing measurement techniques, implications for research on immersive audiovisual experiences, and avenues for future work are discussed briefly.
👋🏼 Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need pdfs of the articles.